
Free downloads for BGDatabase package.

Table of content

Lite package

1 BGDatabase Lite: free lite package with basic functionality


2 Very basic 3D example
3 2D variant of our basic 3D example
4 Inventory system, built with BGDatabase (advanced example)
5 Example for localization addon
6 Addressables Quick start: example project for Addressables system
7 LiveUpdate add-on usage example

Editor extensions

8 Excel integration for Editor
9 GoogleSheets integration for Editor
10 Excel file monitor for Editor
11 Images support for Excel xlsx files
12 Amazon Translation plugin for BGLocalization

Runtime extensions

13 GoogleSheets export/import for runtime (in beta currently)
14 Excel export/import support for Runtime (PC / Mac / Linux only)
15 Support for Unity's Addressables system
16 Data binder for Unity UI Toolkit
17 Support for accessing read-only database from multithreaded environment
18 Database runtime editor


19 Custom action for Playmaker and Addressables system
20 Save/Load custom action for Playmaker to support SaveLoad addon

Unity Visual Scripting (ex-Bolt)

21 Custom units for Visual Scripting (Bolt) to load assets from Addressables system
22 Save/Load custom unit for Visual Scripting (Bolt) to support SaveLoad addon
23 Generic database access units for Visual Scripting (Bolt)

Flow Canvas

24 Save/load addon integration package for Flow Canvas

Game Creator

25 Integration plug-in for Game Creator

Node Canvas

26 Integration plug-in for Node Canvas

Behavior Designer

27 Integration plug-in for Behavior Designer


28 Integration plug-in for UNode


29 Custom fields
30 Uncategorized content
31 YooAsset integration (assets loading)
32 Development environment
33 Standalone runtime DLL