

We provide custom actions (tasks) for Node Canvas asset. The following actions are available - read/write field values, create/delete rows, save/load game using save/load addon (see below for detailed list). Actions can be used in State machines, Behaviour trees or Dialog trees. All database fields are supported (unity assets fields are readonly).


Download and install the following plugin

Full list of custom actions

# Action Description
1 Count Retrieve the number of rows for specified table
2 Add a row Add a new row to specified table
3 Delete a row Delete specified row
4 Get row index Calculate rows index by ID or name
5 Get value Retrieve the cell value from database. While creating this action you need to provide the correct type of the value
6 Set value Write cell value to database. While creating this action you need to provide the correct type of the value
7 Get related index "Get value" override for relationSingle field, which uses related entity index of type int as result
8 Get related indexes "Get value" override for relationMultiple and nested fields, which uses related entities indexes (List<int>)) as a result
9 Set related index "Set value" override for relationSingle field, which uses related entity index of type int to set the value
10 Set related indexes "Set value" override for relationMultiple fields, which uses related entities indexes (List<int>)) to set the value
11 Save game Save the game to a file or byte array. Application.persistentFilePath folder and "sav" file extension is used
12 Load game Load the game from a file or byte array
13 List saved files List all saved files to string[] variable.
14 Delete saved file Delete specified save file.