

Custom actions for Game Creator version 1/ Game Creator version 2 provide control over database data - they allow to read/write field values and create/delete rows. We provide only generic data access actions, we do not provide any integration for specific Game Creator modules. See below for the full list of custom actions and supported fields (some restrictions apply).

How to enable integration

Download and install the following plug-in

Full list of custom actions

# Action Description
1 Count Retrieve the number of rows of specified table and save it in number variable
2 Add a row Add a new row for specified table
3 Delete a row Delete specified row
4 Get {XXX} Read a cell value of {XXX} type. Below is the table with full list of supported types.
5 Set {XXX} Write a cell's value of {XXX} type. Below is the table with full list of supported types. Unity asset fields are read only
6 Get row index Retrieve row's index using row ID or name
7 Save Save a game to a file under Application.persistentDataPath folder using SaveLoad addon
8 Load Load a game from Application.persistentDataPath folder using SaveLoad addon

Supported fields

Database Field GameCreator var type Comments
bool Bool
float Number
int Number GameCreator does not provide an option to create int field, so Number field is used (Number=float)
string String
text String
sprite Sprite Readonly
texture2D Texture2D Readonly
prefab GameObject Readonly
relationSingle Number Related entity index is used or -1 if entity is not set
relationMultiple List<Number> List of related entity indexes is used
nested List<Number> Readonly. List of related entity indexes is used