IBM Watson Translate


  1. Go to Configuration->Locale and add string field with >watsonLanguage name
  2. Sign up for IBM translation service as described here
  3. To access service you need 2 pieces of information- Url and API key. Read how to obtain it here
  4. Go to Settings->Translation and fill URL and API key
  5. Go to Database->Localization and for each locale fill "watsonLanguage" field with the right language
  6. Choose any table with "localization" (Locale) or "localizationSingleValue" (Locale-S) types and string/text field type. Click on Setup and choose Watson as translation service. Choose your source language and destination languages.
  7. Click "Run" to translate several rows. Click T↑ to translate one row to all locales. Click T↓ to translate current row to one locale