
← Back Addressables Quick Start
Unity project zip archive
BGDatabase, Addressables


Minimalistic example project to help you to start using Unity's Addressables system with BGDatabase quickly. It requires BGDatabase version >= 1.6.6 and Addressables version >= 1.17.17


  1. Download this project, unzip it and open it with Unity > 2019 LTS. Ignore console errors.
  2. Import BGDatabase package
  3. If you use Unity 2022, you may see compilation errors in the console. Import "Unity UI" package using Unity package manager
  4. Run scene.unity scene to test reading assets from Addressables. More info about this technique.
  5. [Optional] If you want to build the project to other platforms, make sure to rebuild Addressables after switching platform (Window -> Asset Management -> Addressables -> Groups, Build->New Build->Default Build Script )
Used techniques:

Spawner script (Assets\AddressablesQuickStart\Spawner.cs) uses the following techniques to load prefabs from Addressables:

  1. Using Load{FieldName}Async to load asset asynchronously
  2. Using generated property (f_addressable) for loading asset synchronously (Addressables v. 1.17.17 added support for sync loading)
  3. Using GetAddressablesAddress method to use raw addressables address with Addressables


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Version Release date Log
1.3 April 25, 2021
  1. Update for Addressables plugin v.1.1
  2. Preloader script is removed as outdated
1.2 March 06, 2020 Update for Addressables plugin v.0.1.2
1.1 September 20, 2019 Update for Addressables plugin v.0.1.1
1.0 January 09, 2019 Initial release
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